+43 664 2786716


Matroschka exhibition

An ancient, Russian family tradition

Matroschka exhibition

The largest Matryoshka is the oldest of the dolls and slotted inside one another are its family members, figures which become ever smaller. 

The figures are made from lime wood which is carefully dried for 2 years before being processed. This requires a high level of craftsmanship and precision to ensure that all the figures, from large to miniature, fit inside one another. The carved wooden figures are then passed on to artists who are usually Russian women. There are various schools of painting for the art of Matryoshka painting. Here women learn the fine art of this Russian painting technique. The significance and value of these unique pieces is then enhanced.

Since 1998, there have been no companies in Russia producing Matryoshkas and they are produced solely in families and working groups.

At the Doll Art Museum at Hochstraße 20, 2540 Bad Vöslau, you can admire some of the unique dolls made by older Russian artists and from old abandoned factories.


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